Friday, February 26, 2010

Sometimes, life gets in the way.

Wow, so I haven't updated in a while. I just haven't been myself lately, no drive to do much of anything. This is a rut, and it's deep, but I know I can pull myself out, I just have to do it.

I'm down 27 pounds and I can't wait to hit my 30 pound milestone! It just seems to be taking so damn long. But then again, the tortise does teach us that slow and steady will eventually win the race.

I will be better, and I will hit the 30 pound mark...right?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Biogenics Day 3

25.5 pounds down, 92.5 to go.

The first two days of this plateau breaker sucked. Never, I repeat, never do a plateau breaker when you are PMSing; the carb cravings alone may kill me.

However, I resolve not to give in to temptation today. I will stick to the plan, dust off the Wii and lose this negative attitude that has somehow affixed its self to me like Eeyore’s little black cloud.

Are you out there loyal readers? Can you hear me? Like Pink says, “Let’s get this party started!”

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Biogenic Days, day 2

Yesterday didn’t go as well as I had planned. I want so badly to “be a good girl” and only eat what’s on plan, yet I constantly sabotage myself. I ate all my protein, and eggs, and grapefruit, two large salads and only two tablespoons of dressing (which isn’t nearly enough for two salads with 7 oz. of protein), but I couldn’t bring myself to each any cooked veggies, or a second thermo snack. Instead, I ate a deliciously decadent caramel, chocolate cookie bar, and then later 4 little vanilla sandwich cookies. I’m not even sure why I ate the cookies, other than the fact that they were there…calling me, taunting me from the back room. Four evil cookies wearing away at my willpower; egging me into eating them even when I knew I shouldn’t.

Oh how I hated myself as I lay down to sleep last night, sleep that was too long in coming as I sucked on a piece of hard candy. I am weak; I admit it, weak and possibly addicted to sugar. I need a 12 step program, because right now, cookies taste a lot better than lettuce.

Today is going marginally better. I haven’t “cheated”, but I’m dying for something sweet and gooey, or sweet and chewy. Gads, I’m killing myself here. I even had the hot chocolate thermo snack, which did very little for curbing this horrific craving. I just have to keep telling myself “you can do this Chaney”, and pray that I am right.

Weigh in tonight….I’ll keep you posted.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting off the fence.

January, was a crappy Slimgenics month. I am not going to make excuses, I'm just going to get off the fence and get back to work.

I need this program. It keeps me accountable, lets me learn my own lessons, and never leaves me lying in the dust feeling alone and worthless.

Today, the Frist of February, 2010, I pledge to get off my arse and get busy getting health.

Last weigh in was 261.75 lbs. 91 some odd pounds to go. I can do this.

I am doing this. Today I start biogenic days plateau breaker...good thing I love salad!