Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Biogenics Day 3

25.5 pounds down, 92.5 to go.

The first two days of this plateau breaker sucked. Never, I repeat, never do a plateau breaker when you are PMSing; the carb cravings alone may kill me.

However, I resolve not to give in to temptation today. I will stick to the plan, dust off the Wii and lose this negative attitude that has somehow affixed its self to me like Eeyore’s little black cloud.

Are you out there loyal readers? Can you hear me? Like Pink says, “Let’s get this party started!”


  1. Is the plateau breaker the one where you eat all green and protein only? I only made it through one day of that, Im a complete sugar addict - no question about it.

    You can do this, thing is, will you? Just like I ask myself - you CAN Coley, but will you? Its up to me, it's within me and thats the hardest part.

    These feelings won't go away, I will repeatedly have to fight them off - SUCKS. I only survive with the hopes that some days won't be as bad as others

    Holding on tight... tight... tight...

    Hang in there girl, you're not alone!

  2. You can do this, we all can! I think Im headed for another plateau breaker too. Gah oh well, its just part of the journey right?

  3. You can do this, We can all do this. Just keep truckin along everybody.

  4. I just hit a slimgenics plateau as well ... 1 week of sticking to plan to the letter and I haven't lost anything.

    I've been traveling so I haven't been in to the center(oops). I've done all the little tricks like lemon water, vinegar, etc but I think this is the real deal this time -P.L.A.T.E.A.U. (sucks!!!)

    We'll break through this soon enough!

    I just hit 9 weeks today on Slimgenics - have lost 32 lbs ... so I'm encouraged but am frustrated that the scale hasn't budged at all this week.

    Regarding slip ups -I stick to plan for days / weeks without fail but one single meal can completely derail all progress which is sheer torture for me.

    It's not worth those little sandwich cookies.

    You're doing great! I can't wait to read about your progress!!
