Friday, March 12, 2010

Don't Change the Plan

...let the plan change you!

That, is the lesson I learned this week. Speaking of week, I was a very, very, very weak willed person this week. I at everything in sight and then some, and more than I care to admit was not on plan.

Trust me, don't do this to yourself. The plan works if you let it. Vending machines are brutally evil when it's "that time of the month", and I have to start leaving my walet in the car.

I'm ashamed of myself, and the only person I have to blame is me. I suppose everyone has setbacks. I just have to pick myself up by the bootstraps, take off the feedbag and get back to basics!

I have lost nearly 40 pounds, I can and I will do this.

I even have new motivation - a beach vacation with my honey!

Look out Key West, I'm on my way!


  1. Temptations are evil little buggers! Leaving the option at home is best. I honest leave all my change and wallet at home, I just take my liscense with me to work, that way I even if I have temptation, I have no means to fufill it. Good Job and I love your self motivation. Hope all works, beach vacation indeed, I myself am excited. I have a summer trip planned too.

  2. Hey- I am SOOOO happy to find your blog. I started the slimgenics plan just 2 weeks ago- still a virgin. I read your front page, and I too had major sticker shock. Thank goodness for my tax return. Be certain I will be checking back on a regular basis. The more support the better. My plan is to focus on what I gain each week- the first week - my college ring back on my finger; the second week- a size smaller pants etc. Thanks for sharing your journey.
    Jenn from MN

  3. Missy, that's a great idea! I'm deffinately going to start leaving everything I don't absolutely need at home!

    Jenn, welcome aboard and thanks for reading my blog!

  4. tear it up are doing awesome! :)

  5. Thanks LisaJo, you have no idea how much it help to hear (read) your words of encouragement! You are the best nonsister sister a girl could have!
