Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Veg out

One of the few drawbacks (for me) with the Slimgenics program is the derth of fruit servings on Plan 2 of the weight loss phase. Fruit, has always been my go-to snack and now that I am limited to only 2 portions per day I find that I really really miss it.

This is not to say that I hate veggetables. I don't, I actually like most of them, I just get a bit bored with the same old veggies over and over again. I never got bored with fruit. Maybe it's because I love sweet tastes over savory ones.

Still, I have four portions of vegetables to consume daily, and I think I may become a rabbit before all is said and done. Seriously, what can one do to make veggies more exciting? Day in and day out, cellery, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, squash & broccoli. Toss in a tomato now and then and my menu resembles a garden.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the fact that I am starting to cluck.

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