Friday, April 30, 2010

Bumps in the Road…

Well, really it’s a plateau, which is flat, but it’s a big old bump on the Weight Loss Highway. Either way, it’s annoying the crap out of me. So much to the point that Rick even said I could have my boots now, even though I haven’t reached the 40 lb Slimgenics milestone. I have, in the course of my entire journey, lost over 40 pounds, so I technically qualify, but taking the boots now seems like giving up. I feel like I’ll just be proving myself right, that I can’t actually do this.

The thing is, I KNOW that I can. I’ve come this far haven’t I? I feel better, have more energy, clothes are fitting better and my cholesterol is WAY better. So what if right now I feel like a human yo-yo, bouncing back and forth between 250 and 255? It’s a plateau, and I just have to plow past it.

Which is exactly what I am going to do, starting Sunday I will begin a 2 day plateau breaker. It’s not exactly going to be easy, nothing but protein, lettuce, snacks and an orange. But if it works, it will be more than worth it.

When I hit 248, don’t be surprised if I wear those boots every day for a month, rain or shine!

Oh, and one other thing, if you are not on Slimgenics, please eat some pasta for me this weekend…this craving is killing me!


  1. I was just on the 2 day plateau breaker and it did wonders for me. Usually I have a tough time sticking to that one but this time I made a pot roast which really helped. What do you like to eat on yours?

  2. Try spaghetti squash and make your own sauce... I'll call you with the recipe later today.

    That plateau breaker will work. You're doing awesome, keep it up!

  3. Erinn, the hardest thing about slimgenics for me is the amount of meat proteins I have to eat. I'm not much of a meat eater, I much prefer to eat veggies, beans, fruit and grains. So this whole program has been a for pot roast, I would rather eat it with potatos, carrots and gravy; instead I opted to grill a large piece of london broil. I ate it warm last night, and will have it cold on my salad tonight.

    Tracy, please do get me that spaghetti squash recipie, my family wants pasta! ~lol~
