Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lessons Learned

Today is day four of my first official week of weight loss with Slimgenics. It’s been going well, although I must admit there have been a few rough patches. I’ve also learned a lot about myself and my body in the last eleven days. These, are the lessons I have learned:

1. Cheaters never prosper. In fact, in my case, cheaters get tummy aches and end up feeling like daub (that’s crap for those of you not well versed in Chaney-speak). On Tuesday I decided that I needed chocolate, I figured that one little piece wouldn’t hurt. Boy was I wrong. One little piece became an entire chocolate bar. After consuming said bar not only did I suddenly feel nauseous and head-achy, but I realized that I do indeed dislike plain old chocolate. To top it all of, at weigh in that night, I had gained an entire pound plus. Grrrrrr!
2. Salt, is not my friend. One of the main drawbacks (IMHO) to the Slimgenics plan, is the required consumption of ¼ to ½ a teaspoon of Morton’s Lite Salt daily. This amount is probably more salt that I would routinely use in an entire week. Like plain chocolate, I dislike the taste of salt! I have now resorted to doing a “Salt Shooter” with a Diet 7up chaser every evening just to get the salt in.
3. Vegetables are my friends, but green beans are not. I have long maintained that there are very few veggies that I don’t like, and that green beans are ok, but not my favorite. After a week of choking them down every other day, I revised my opinion of them. While still not on the “hate ‘em” list, those unfortunate pods have now slipped below cooked spinach on my ranking list. I would gladly trade them in for peas, but peas are not “on the plan”. Luckily, there are still some veggies that I will gladly eat every day, which is good since I have to have 4 portions of vegetables daily.
4. Eating out is very hard, if you plan to do it and stay on plan. Everything on the menu looks and sounds better than the one or two items that qualify on the Slimgenics plan. I did manage it though, thanks to Tracy. If she had not been there, I just know I would have given in to my cravings and had the Fish ‘n Chips.
5. I can go to an Irish pub, and not have a frothy Guinness with Fish ‘n Chips. In fact, I can go to a pub and only drink Iced Tea. If you know me, you know that’s a crazy idea; but believe me it can be, and has been, done.

Finally, the most important lesson – I CAN DO THIS! It’s not going to be easy, fast or very much fun. I that’s ok, it will all be worth it in the end. Besides, ten pounds in a week is quite the motivator!

A year ago, I was at 293 pounds, Tuesday, I weighed in at 278.5! Go me!


  1. hurrah for you! ive never heard of slimgenics, but it sounds like its working for you, so that is good :)
    the salt thing sounds a little odd...there is soooo much salt in most foods already, im surprised that you are required to eat more....but since i am unfamiliar with the diet, then who knows.
    the more weight you lose the better you will feel...and your body will thank you! Ive been working on some weight loss myself, and i definitely feel better.
    keep it up sunshine! :)

  2. Thanks Lisa! The salt thing, is because I'm not eating much of anything that is prepackaged, or any pork. So in order to get the sodium the body needs, we add Morton's Lite Salt back into the diet. It also helps with potasium, especially since bananas are not allowed right now. :o(

    I am starting to feel better though, and getting more energy, which will mean being more active which will mean more weight loss!
