Monday, April 5, 2010

Of Easter Eggs and Honey Baked Ham

I love holidays! I love being with my extended family, sharing laughs and making new memories. What I don't love, is the never ending supply of off plan goodies that sit out on the table and lure me with their Siren Songs. My family loves to eat, and eat well and Easter Sunday was no exception.

Between sweet rolls, honey baked ham, bananna bread and waffles I went totally off plan. Right on the heels of a 5.5 pound loss too! I think I am going to have to skip family gatherings until I get this weight off.

Oh well, at least I had a huge loss, and now I am only 3.5 pounds away from my 40 pound milestone and new rain boots! Yay!


  1. its okay to "blow it" once in a long as those moments are few and far between. dont beat yourself up over a little celebration eating...this is a new lifestyle you are working on, and some occasional splurges are what life is all about :) keep up the awesome work sunshine! hugs~

  2. I'm learning to get over the "guilty" feeling as I bring out my own dinner at family gatherings. I was, however, really surprised at how much my family memebers were putting on their plates. It really is training your brain, as well as your appetite.

    I agree with BBC, though. Once in a while is okay. Make sure you get your water intake for the rest of the week though! You know, you really are an inspration to me!

  3. Thanks Lisa Jo, I don't know what I would do without your voice of reason in my life. I appreciate you, and count myself lucky to be your friend.

    ., I think you are Cassie, but I'm not sure. I'm flattered and proud to be your inspiration. This is a journey one should never have to walk alone and I'm glad I can be here for you!
