Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

come again another day!

Ok, so it's not really raining, but when it does, I shall be prepared! These, are my new rain boots, or they will be in 2.5 pounds. I promised myself something extravagant, that I would never have otherwise purchased when I hit my 40 pound Slimgenics Milestone. I've been rewarding myself with little purchases all along, but when I saw these boots, I knew I had to have them.

Here's hoping by the end of the week I'll be splashing through April Shower puddles with glee!

And now dear readers, let us go interactive on this blog. Answer me this, what do you reward yourself with?


  1. Those rain boots are awesome! i like to reward myself at the 20 pound marks...one of my rewards was contacts instead of glasses (that plan failed, since i absolutely hate wearing contacts)...another one was getting my belly button pierced :) Definitely pick fun goals...it makes the challenge more exciting!!!

  2. Shopping spree at CLothes Mentor...funny how I always end up getting business attire!
